Eight months ago I woke up with severe, acute pain in my very low back. MRIs showed nothing unremarkable, and I was sent to PT. The pain was so intense that I spent days in bed, unable to walk. I was originally diagnosed with SI joint dysfunction and a fractured tailbone. I ve seen eight doctors and am currently on 20 mg of Butrans transdermal in order to walk. The latest specialist informed me that I have a dislocated tailbone (anterially at 70 degrees.) I have had 2 OMT sessions which has seemed to lessen the pain a bit, but have been unable to lower my Butrans dosage, as each time I do the pain returns. It is constant, seems to originate from my tailbone and spreads laterally from my sacrum . At its worst, the pain travels into my buttocks , down my hamstrings, into my groin , and piriformis on both sides. We ve had injections , accupunture, PT, OMT, medication , anything and everything we can conjure. I have also been running fevers intermittently (low grade between 99 and 101.) I think it is important to note that the injury was NOT trauma induced. It literally just manifested one day. I have been tested for all arthritis , and nothing. I ve been told that the last option is removal of the coccyx. Is AS a possibility here? Just desperate for answers.