Dear Sir, The biopsy report of my brother is given below : Surgical Pathology Report --------------------------------------- Specimen : Sinus , Right Forearm , Excision Biopsy. Gross : Received light brown soft tissue bits and pieces together measuring 1.5 X 1 X 0.5 cm, Cut surface is light brown, soft. (Entire tissue : 0000). Microscopy and Inspection : Sinus, Right Forearm. Excision Biopsy: Cutaneous sinus with suppurative necrotiziing granulomators inflammation. Consistent with Koch s. ESR = 16. Advised : TB-PCR / AFB culture. The doctor has found out the disease called Bone TB from the report and prescribed AKT-4 kit for two months. Please give your views based on the report. With regards, Navin.