Hello, so I am sexually active with my girlfriend who I have been with for a year now, im her first and she definitely has never slept with another guy, 3 days ago I had blister like bumps on the head of my penis and under the foreskin, they were in patches containing 4-6 in the one spot about 1mm diameter, they were hazy in colour and very easy to pop, it was a clear liquid and there was no red surrounding them nor any swelling and no pain even while and after popping them, no itching or anything, they left little red patches that just looked like I lost a layer of skin in the areas effected, up to date I have had no scabbing or open wounds, just peeling of the skin creating that while looking dick cheese that some people call it (sorry I don t know how else to refer it) and as day 3 it is barely noticeable that there is any red and the peeling of skin had basically stopped thanks for your help!