Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
As you mentioned that there was
valve replacement and also recovered from
endocarditis . Due to these diseases you might have taken so many drugs , so few of them may developed hyper acidity .
Hyper acidity in itself causes
bloating and discomfort in stomach.
In such type of condition I would come up with these measures , these includes.
1 Try raising the head of your bed 4 inches with blocks.It also might help to avoid eating or drinking for 2 hours before you lie down.To help control stomach acid one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or eat chocolates or greasy or spicy foods. Also take some
antacid , but if symptoms are severe you may need
proton pump inhibitors. In your case you may need certain enzymatic preparation.
2 Tension ( &
anxiety or stress ) is another cause of bloaing and
flatulence so please relax .
3 As pain is also radiating in the back so get in blood examination for serum amylase and lipase to rule out any pancreatic cause.
So consult a physician and get his opinion. Good luck. Dr. HET