Hi and thanks for the query.
I understand you worries and I know they are real. Let's take a look below:
Glucose serum of 104 termed high! Normal blood sugar is considered to be less than 100. With 104, though above the normal, it doesn't meet the criteria too be diagnosed with
diabetes. it however means, he is in the category of persons with prediabetes who need to start active measures like physical exercise, diet modification and weight control so as not to progress to having diabetes any time soon.
GFR of 62 LOW: it normally ranges from 90-120. This is an indication of how well the kidneys are functioning. it cannot be interpreted alone. Renal function tests should accompany this.
White blood count of 4.7: this is normal or at worse borderline. The normal range is 4-10, so i will not get particularly worried about this.
my advice is this, compare these results with the previous ones. if they are all consistent, then he may be one of those with values on the low side(GFR/White blood cells). However, if there is any drastic change, then the doctor may want to repeat these tests and make sure they are correct and then, look for what could be the possible explanation/causes.
Hope this answers your question, and please extend my regards to your husband.