1. any past history of
dental extraction,tattooing, acupuncture,
blood transfusion or high risk behavior, alcohol intake,use of ATT,amoebic dysentry??
2. any family history of similar type of illness?
3. any associated anorexia,nausea,vomiting,arthralgia, pain abdomen, or yellowish discoloration of eyes/urine?
4. if Hbsag is still +ve after 1 year, it implies
Chronic Hepatitis.
5. along with the reports mentioned what about Liver Function tests reports (S.Bilirubin, SGOT,SGPT,
Alkaline phosphatase,Serum proteins, prothrombin time)
6. go for Liver biopsy.
7. your partner should get 3 doses of
hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix-B) of 1ml each at 0,1, and 6 months, booster dose is not recomended routinely except in immunocompromised and hemodialysis patient.
8. take diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates, avoid alcohol,shaaring combs/razors.
9. you can go for Antiviral herbs {phyllanthu nurii (bhumyamlaki)},along with hepato protective drugs (bhringraj,ghritakumari).