Yes, unprotected sex with single random (with unknown status) or multiple partners itself warrants testing for HIV. In addition, the presence of
boils (assuming in the private parts) can be a sign of
STD (sexually transmitted diseases). You may want to consult a physician for a physical exam and may require additional tests.
HIV screening test is simple and is done on a blood sample. It is a sensitive test so false positives are high. If there is a positive test, it is further evaluated by a more specific test which if positive, current status of CD4 cells etc is evaluated and appropriate anti HIV regimen is started
That being said, you don't necessarily need to worry about having the infection. Just get tested and don't worry about it till you get the test results. In the future, always use condoms.
Pharyngitis and
sore throat (Upper
respiratory tract infection or URTI)- These can be simple viral/bacterial infection. However, since you have recurrence after treatment, you may want to get a physical exam and get a throat swab , culture and sensitivity. Severe lesions with uncommon organisms indicate compromised immunity. However, since you were exposed to the risk factor around a year back, it is less likely to be due to have it due high HIV
viral load or that less CD4 count.
Avoid taking medications with alcohol as it can interfere with pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drugs (i.e. absorption, bioavailability, clearance, efficacy, potency, interaction etc). However, the your symptoms are less likely to be caused by alcohol
drug interaction.