I also had a Brain MRI stating that I had very minimal FLAIR/T2 periventricular abnormalites...does this mean more than one brain lesion and is it located closer to the spine or brain stem? I was under the impression it was in the frontal lobe. I have a cholesterol level of 281, and it has been around 264 for years and had a heart cath 2 years ago which was fine, there was no plaque build up. However, I have had Lyme Disease for close to 7 years untreated now. I wonder if these lesions are from Lyme Disease. I do not have MS, unless it is being brought on by untreated Chronic Lyme Disease.
I also on the Brain MRI report show Mastoid air cells serated?
Impression: No accute Infarct, mass or hydrocephalus.
2>) Very Minimal periventricular signal abnormalites which are non specific in nature, but could posibly be related to chronic microvascular ischemia. The only Ischemia I ever heard of myself having is from Inverted Twaves (again I believe a product of Untreated Lyme and co-infections) which when I failed my stress test my cardiologist just dismissed me... did care one bit. I am a 40 year old female by the way.
3.) Mild paranasal sinus disease, with possible tiny left maxillary sinus air-fluid level.
I have no idea whatsoever, I never get to see my physician instead they give me a Nurse Practiioner whom doesn't know a whole lot I hate to say. I don't have any sinus problems, so not sure where that Sinus disease came from,
She suggested an Infectious Disease doctor, for the Lyme. little does she know that is the last specialist a person with Lyme wants to go to. They don't believe in it, and this is not just in the South but everywhere,
I just was wondering if these problems could be a result of Lyme disease...and the word "abnormalities" does that mean their are more than one lesion in my brain?
I appreciate your assistance if you answer this.