brownish/green discharge from your nipples is NOT normal for women of 40.
Or of any other age to be precise.
However often if you have discharge from the breasts and it`s on both sides - then usually it is nothing to worry about and can be
hormonal. However, seeing as your breast secretion has a color - I woudl defin. get it checked to see if it`s blood or an infection - (green could indicate an infection with bacteria - brown - blood)
It would also be good to find a doctor who can do a breast scan especially of the area behind the nipples. ***
Often the
radiologist can see if the secretion is coming just from one gland. area or more than one.
You can check that yourself - if you press the nipple and sort of milk the nipple watch where the secretion is coming out -
you will see on the nipple (looking at it from the front) so sort of turn it up and squeeze - you will see lots of different small opening when you press and the secretion comes out - does it just come from one little opening? or from many?
Secretion from one opening - should be looked at critically.
From more than one - might again just be hormonal.
*** when they do a proper scan of the nipple the doctor will appply lots of gel to the nipple area - creating a sort of cushion of gel around the nipple area - that way the doctor can take a better look at the small canals behing and leading up to the nipple. It`s important to make sure you son`d have any papillomas inside the small milk ducts.
It would be good to get a swab done for infections.
And a ctological examination of the secretion - the secretion shoudl be applied to a glass plate and dried and sent to the cytologist without fixation - to see what cells are i the secretion.
Get it checked!
But don`t worry,
kind regards,