HELP WITH EYELID GROWTH -- ANY VITAMINS I SHOULD TAKE? WHAT CAN YOU SUGGEST? WHAT ABOUT VISINE, OR AN EYEWASH, AND WHAT KIND? Recently I noticed this growth on my eyelid, and it's growing rapidly, and I'm concerned. It does not hurt, nor does it affect my eyesight, but still, somethings quite wrong, and the appearance of it is growing. A friend suggested I take Vitamin A, what home remedy can you advise since I don't have a doctor, nor the money for a doc? Also, I think it appeared since I've been using the computer daily, and all the radiation, and cathode rays, etc. -- who knows -- but I've heard that the computers are putting out invisible waves, and my skin, and body are highly susceptible to who knows what. Tell me Doc if you think it's because of the computer, because I know it only started when I started using the computer daily. Is there an eyepatch I should wear on my right eye? Help. Please help confused, and concerned. Thank you kindly.