5 1/2 years ago I had the misfortune of swallowing two, small, clear fork tines. We were at a wedding where they served frozen cheesecake and the two center tines broke off. I didn't realize this until I felt them go down my throat.
I have been two a couple of specialist in this area (Kentville, NS and here in Bridgewater hospital where a doctor comes down from Halifax) Since they are clear, you could only see them on an x-ray if you knew where to look. Two operations in Kentville were unsuccessful. Just a month ago, I had a cat-scan and they showed up where I had felt them that morning. However, they have calcified and the deposit is in the upper part of my throat. No one here
seems to give me much hope. The one from Halifax said that he wouldn't remove them because he said that if anything went wrong I could sue him for mal-practice....... Deep depression followed.
I am a singer and would hate to see my throat 'wrecked'. Do you have any answers for me? I hope so.
I wait for your answer. I have a chronic cough which keeps me up at all hours of the night.