I had a stint put in my left ureter for a month to widen the ureter because I had a kidney stone block in that ureter. When the Doctor did that procedure they found a malignant polyp in my bladder and removed it. This was done in 2005. They never told me the polyp was malignant. I have to have surgery for a labrum hip tear and when I was filling out the paper work, the doctor asked about the kidney stones and procedures that I have had. They told me I had to be put on a strong anti-inflamatory and told me to contact my urorologist to make sure it would not damage my kidneys. When I called the urorologist, they pulled my file and asked me to schedlued an appointment immediately because the polyp in 2005 was malignant. No one told me this or called me for a follow-up in 2005. I am scheduled next week to have a cystoscopy. Since 2005, I have had over 20 UTIs, lack of energy, I have gone to the emergency room several times for abdominal pain, I have the feeling to urinate and then I only go a little, sometimes it hurts. I have had kidneys stones since 2005. Currently, my left kidney has two stones, but they are high in the kidney. My question is can a CAT scan detect the polyps in the bladder?