Hello Dear. All
corticosteroids like
cortisone or
prednisolone causes the same level of raise of blood sugar. There is nothing like a better substitute for cortisone. Some of the tips i would like to suggest you are
1. Plan to take your blood sugar more frequently while taking steroids (3-6x/day)
2. Be especially careful with maintaining your eating plan designed for your
diabetes. If you eat
a lot of carbohydrates or larger portions your sugar will rise faster.
3. If on
oral pills to treat your diabetes know what pill to increase if blood sugars get above a
certain level.
4. If on insulin be sure to have a sliding scale of how to dose your insulin if your blood sugar gets
above a certain level.
5. If on an
insulin pump frequent correction boluses may need to be done.
6 . The healthcare provider may need to call the person that manages your diabetes for exact
information if at a urgent care or emergency room.
7. If recommended to take steroids for a extended time (more then 5-10 days) make an
appointment with your diabetes provider to develop a long term plan.
Hope i have answered your question. Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions. I ll be glad to help you.
All the best
With warm regards
Dr Sanjay Kini