Hello doctors can u help me plz,i am sahul a indian of age 24yrs,height 170cms & weight 80kgs.yesterday i gone to a doctor(plastic surgery dept) for gynecomastia check up.they confirmed Bilateral gynecomastia(G III) for me.Also in result they mentioned No H/O liver disease,No caugh,No hepatomegoly and then testis normal.they said want to do liposuction surgery to drain fat around chest also under the nipple area they want to do surgery to remove mammary gland .after that three or four days a tube wil b hanging around chest area to remove fat completely.they said for me,surgery is the only option to reduce my man boobs.is this true? Or can i try any medicines like gynexin,omega3 or zinc tablet with physical exercise to reduce my man boobs?.i m in major confusion & also very much depressed. is gynecomastia affects sexual life?