I have checked that you have asked this question on March month. As per research, generally March month falls in the season of increased tree pollen grains and that may cause an
allergic reaction to susceptible person.
Sneezing may accompany with nasal discharge and nasal blockage and once sneezing starts it may continue for many times. Due to
Nasolacrimal duct there may be associated itching eyes also which you are having. There may be family history of allergy/asthma also.
Anyway, from your description, I think, you are probably suffering from
allergic rhinitis (detailed and proper history along with few tests required). This can reoccur even if you are relieved from symptoms at present by medication. So, all I could suggest you is to avoid dust and use mask. My personal opinion is to avoid parking your car below trees and even after you have parked it do not use AC. Mind it, it can be best treated by prevention of allergens than by treating with medication. To get relief you can take regularly an antihistamine at bed time once daily orally and
multivitamin supplement cap once daily orally provided you do not have any history of
drug allergy to that drug. Maintain your
oral hygiene with regular brushing and gurgling.
Seeing is always better than assuming so you need to visit a doctor if symptoms persists.