Hallow Dear,
Tuberculosis affects the fertility by:
1. Reducing general health. Mother nature has arranged our body functioning in such a way that whenever there is any risk to life, the reproductory function is jeopardized first. However, Tuberculosis is such commonly wide spread disease in India and still the population is increasing. By and large,
Pulmonary tuberculosis in early stage does not affect fertility.
2. By affecting the Reproductory Organs: When there is
Genital tuberculosis, the tubes and uterine lining (endometrium) get affected. Affected endometrium is not conducive for
implantation of the fertilized ovum and hence pregnancy is not possible. When the tubes get affected, there is tubal block. Along with the tubal block, tubal musculature also gets affected causing dysfunction in the tubal motility. Therefore, even after the surgical correction of the tubal block, if the tubal peristaltic movements are affected, conception is not possible. This is called as Functional Tubal Block; i.e. physically patent still functionally blocked tubes.
You are suffering from Tubercular ascites. There is a good chance that due to ascetic fluid and peritoneal
tubercular infection, the tubes and uterus also may be affected. Even, affection of the ovaries will affect the egg release function of the ovaries.
Once your anti-tubercular treatment is over and you are declared completely cured of the tuberculosis, you should undergo some investigations like
Hysterosalpingography (X-ray of uterus and tubes with radio-opaque dye in it) and/or
Laparoscopy to assess the status of endometrium and tubes.
Ultrasonography also will be of use for the purpose. These investigations only will inform us whether your reproductory organs are in a state to offer you any successful pregnancy.
Madam, your first aim should be to get cured from Tuberculosis. Once you are cured, get investigated for fertility potential. Even if you are unable to conceive, you can adopt a child - this will give you a desired child, the child will get parents and still the population will not be increased.
I hope this helps you with relevant information.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri