Hi, now a days , surgeons always get their patients tested for
HIV before any surgical intervention , but they should it with proper
counselling and due consent of the patient , which is unfortunately not the case. It is rampant that Gyne/Obst specialists and surgeons write HIV tests even without telling their patients. This practice is certainly may pose some legal problems , when the level of awareness of PLHAs about their legal rights would increase. Of course their is protocol for testing -the first test is followed by 2nd test after 6 weeks and next at 6 months.
Tests done at Integrated Testing and Counselling centres(ICTC) are fairly accurate with sensitivity and specificity to the range of 99.5%.
As far as relationship with your boy friend is concerned , you have to use safer sexual practices with condoms with each and every sexual act.Plus advise your boyfriend to go to ICTC , where they will confirm first, then do the CD4 count and refer to ART Centre where he can be started ART depending upon his CD4 cell count. The studies involving sero-discordant couples in which positive partner is on ART (assuming your HIV report comes negative) , have shown that the transmission of HIV is reduced by 96%. So nothing to worry , go for tests and get operated .Keep me posted.
Dr Matin .A. Khan
M.A (Sociology) , M.Sc(Psychology), M.Sc(Counselling &
Fellowship in HIV Medicine (School of Tropical Medicine Kolkata, India)
AAHIVS ( American Academy of HIV Medicine USA)
Galen Exam for Certificate of Clinical Competence in HIV Medicine from IAPAC USA
MGM Medical College , Jamshedpur , India