Hello! I read your question and understand your concern. Nowadays there are a big number of anticonvulsants, so it may be a long process to find the one that is the best choice depending on the features of
epilepsy and characteristics and conditions of the patient.
Levetiracetam (levipil) is considered one of the new anticonvulsants. It's mechanism of action is not specifically known well, but it's one of the most effective and most used drug in epilepsy. Levetiracetam may have some adverse effects such as headache, somnolence,
dizziness, physical weakness and lack of energy, emotional lability, agitation and hostility,
anxiety, deppression. The adverse effects, if they are going to happen, occur mostly during first month of treatment, but can happen any time during treatment.
In my opinion you should tell your husband about epilepsy, it is well managed now. Anyway it will be something that will come up during pregnancies, because another anticonvulsant is more selected.
I hope i have been of help! If you have still unclarities i would be glad to help with your further concerns.