I had surgery a year ago for what they said was appendicitis, peritonitis, and a growth within my large intestine in that area. A week and a half ago I started feeling pain in my lower right abdomen and got scared of another blockage and went to the doctor the following day. He didn't seemed too concerned for me and ordered up a blood test with everything looking fine. I started taking Ex-lax that day that gave me relief because my belly felt very full and uncomfortable, bloaty, a numbing sensation, etc. I stopped taking it briefly but found I got backed up again quite quickly and taking it seems to be the only way I can actually have a bowel movement, even if it is just running out of me. Today, after diarrhea, I still felt like I could go but couldn't go...I pushed and my anus just seemed to protrude out and feel swollen but nothing else would come out and it felt like when I relaxed it just went back up inside. Side note, I took one Tramadol pill 2 days before all this started to ease neck pain. What could be wrong with me? I'm very concerned about another blockage...