Hello, I gave birth to fraternal twins via NSD at 32 weeks. My baby girls will be turning 2 months tomorrow. I have tried to breastfeed them exclusively but my milk supply just wasn t enough for the both of them. I am supplementing them both with formula. I am feeding them Nestle PRE NAN, since this formula is specifically made for premature babies. My question is, how long will they stay in preemie formula?Because I am planning to switch them to Nestle NAN Optipro 1. Will it be okay? I have received different answers from different pediatricians. I have been told by one doctor that I can switch my babies to full term milk after they ve turned 3 months, another said until a year, and another doctor had told me that I can switch my babies to full term milk since they re already past their original due date. I am confused. Thank you so much if you would answer this.