Two years back your husband treated for
pulmonary tuberculosis for 6 months ( complete treatment ).
Now again he is having fever ( subsides ) severe cough .
Since this cough may be due to
upper respiratory infection or due to some sort of
allergy . Only physical examination will confirm the diagnosis .
As far as concerned about recurrent infection of tuberculosis ( relapse ) .
1 Your husband ( this time ) is having fever from last one month with cough ,these two symptoms are an indication of relapse of tuberculosis . Diagnosis can be confirmed by
X ray chest , sputum for A F B, blood for C B C , E S R , TUBERCULIN test .
2 Fever has subside but cough still present . This is also an indication of relapse.
So in my opinion consult CHEST & TUBERCULOSIS specialist and get his opinion .
If untreated ( tuberculosis ) 2nd time this may develop into M D R T ( multi drug
resistant tuberculosis ) , which is very serious .
Good luck.