My mom is a 67 year old African American. She got a lot of heart tests done echo, stress test, etc, and everything came back ok. She just has an enlarged heart and high blood pressure. The other day she kept getting chills and then all of a sudden got hot and sweating profusely. She seemed to be going through some sort of dilerum and I kept shaking her to stay awake and keep talking to me. I also kept pouring water on her. The hospital did an ekg, blood work, urine specimen, and an exray of her lungs. She also is coughing very hard with a cold and breathing hard. Well the tests came back good, except for the urine. She has a Urinary tract infection. They prescribed her an antibiotic and a pain pill for the pain in her stomach. Its been 3 days, her coughing has lessened, yet she still gets tired and out of breath just walking 3 yards. She says she feels better, but she hesitates. The dr said a UTI affects the elderly in this way. I want to know is this accurate or could it be something else, should I take her back and request an ultrasound on her stomach, how long before she feels better? Please respond as soon as you can. It might help my mother. Thank You.