Hello and welcome to Healthcare Magic. Thanks for your query.
I understand that you must be going are worried about the possibility of overdose with
Vyvanse. You have mentioned that you are taking Vyvanse 20mg once a day in the morning. However, you have taken another 2omg pill of Vyvanse in the night also. In this situation, I would advise you to skip tommorrow morning's dose because if you do so you could experience side effects.
The side effects of everdose include
restlessness, palpitations, increased sweating, agitation, confusion, etc. Especially, considering the fact that you have an exam tommorrow, it is important that you avoid such side effects since it could affect your concentration and performance.
In the future, pleae ensure that you take the correct dose at the correct time in order to prevent such problems. You can use a pill box to ensure that there is no confusion in taking your medication everyday.
Wish you all the best.
Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar MBBS., DPM., MRCPsych.(U.K.)
Consultant Psychiatrist