PLEASE ADVISE ON THE FOLLOWING ADVICE FROM THE ORIGINAL QUESTION AND HIS ANSWER, FOLLOWED BY MY COMMENT: i have a blind spot in the center vision; over the past year or so i have developed extreme tenderness to the eye touch, and also have dealt with recurring mastoiditis, which right now is causing swelling into my neck, eye socket bone under my eye and ear. it is more like a tenderness - extreme to the touch, as is the eye itself, like it is bruised. any ideas? lost the center vision 17 years ago and got no answers back then for it. Answer this Question »Follow this Question Report Abuse Dr. Smrithi, General & Family Physician hi. You need to contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible otherwise you may lose your eye forever.. From the history you have given it looks like you have a spreading infection in the eye and this needs to be confirmed by an examination and treated early.. 21 hours ago Is this answer helpful to you? Yes No 0 VotesComment this Answer 1 comment on this answer Thank you for responding, and I appreciate your comments. However, what do you mean that I may lose the eye forever, and why does it sound like an infection to you? I had an ESR test done recently (sed rate) that did not indicate any inflammation within my body; could this have been a false recording of the sed rate? Also, for 17 years, not one doctor can see anything abnormal within the eye, and only testing (field vision, depth perception, etc) indicate there is a problem. The eye now wanders and I was fitted for a prism lense for the left eye for my glasses (I wear contacts mostly). Depth perception is off the charts, as is the actual vision - I am at a -6.50. I have not seen an eye doctor in many years because they all blow me off because they have no answers. I just wish one of them would have ordered an MRI of the occipital lobe or wherever this loss could have occurred. The temporal pain is very bad as is my neck, mastoid, and cheekbone. Back when I lost the vision, I had a very bad virus with a fever of 105 and I was 29 years old. All of a sudden I saw flashing lights and the center vision loss is what I was left with; at the time it was very hard to see, but eventually got around it with my right eye making up for it. One doctor said that possibly the fever attacked that part of my brain, causing it to atrophy. So I don t even know if the two are connected: the vision loss from 17 years ago and all of these new symptoms. Given all of this extra information, what would your thoughts be now? I do have an appointment tomorrow with a neuro opthamologist, which I just scheduled today and was lucky to get in tomorrow; apparently it is a very specialized field and not many doctors in my area - Chicago! Go figure! Thanks for any further info you can offer.