For about a year now I have had upper ( and some lower)gi issues, namely Gerd and LUQ ribcage to back pain usually worse after eating or drinking alcohol.
Labs, ( neg. for h.pylori) chest X-ray and abdominal u/s unremarkable except for borderline splenomegaly (12.4) due to past mono. I have been diagnosed with diverticulosis by abdominal ct w/o contrast 2 yrs ago after diverticulitis attack (first one). CT reported mild to moderate localized wall thickening with localized peri colonic fat stranding and noted diverticulum in same spot, (proximal descending colon)with remaining colon unremarkable.
I can press on luq ribcage and feel pain along with pain on movement most of the time. Pain is definitely worse and radiates through to back associated with some foods/alcohol. My thoughts are symptomatic diverticulosis ( as pain is in same area as it was during diverticulitis attack) ,splenic flexure syndrome, or ulcer of some type. I do get severe pain in that area if I ever take my potassium pill on an empty stomach..Your thoughts or recommendations?