I am a 56 year old, with history of idiopathic blood clots (later diagnosed with Factor V Liden); I also have a 34 year history of lymphatic dysfunction post DVT;s. I have had sleep apnea for 40 years but only treated the last 10 years. In Novemmber 2012, I fell at home and because on comadin, I was taken for CT of chest of bdomen.....no bleeding or broken bones, but found cancer on upper post of left kidney, sixe of large softball. This past Septmeber leading to Novemeber of 2013, i was having chest pain. Stress was abnormai, Atrialfib, flutter and V tach. but my cardiac cath was normal. I am currently on Demadex, Spironolactone HCTZ and Benicar for heart and fluid issues. Recently, Express Scripts changed my Spironolactone HCTZ has been changed from Mylan to Greenstone. My overall urine out put which I have been monitoring daily for ten years, has started to decline.....almost 40-60% overnight. What is the chance that the greenstone medications is ineffective as the original brand I have been on for 30 years? Thank, Tony