I had a traumatic fall 10 weeks ago with bruising from my waist to below my knee, also a bump on my head bruising around my whole wrist and elbow. I still cannot have any pressure on my hip, even to roll over on it in the night, have my dog touch it for attention, touch it, etc. I have been taking extra strength Tylenol for the 10 weeks and rubbing lightly Deep Relief. Ihave had an ultra sound and the results said I have a build up of fluid in the hip and a hematoma in the upper leg or hip (not sure what to call it. The bruising from the waist to below my knee has gone from a visual view but I am uncomfortable continually. I was at Dr again to-day and he said it will take more than the 5 weeks he told me at first (it is now 10 weeks). I am to go for another ultrasound in a month and have a hip x-ray. At this point, it will be 14 weeks. Is there any chance of infection due to the dried blood in the hematoa? With regards, Sylvia Lagueux