Hi welcome to HCM
I have your query regarding
throbbing pain in the neck . It is a matter of concern .
Dear ,your present problem , certainly is not caused by your previous happenings . Your pregnancies or
gall bladder removal have nothing to do with your
neck pain, after so many years .
Some jerks while working out lifting light weights at the gym may have caused any damage or inflammation in the soft tissues,
spinal cord, or nerves of neck or surrounding area which results in throbbing pain and stress .
Exercising in proper way , will not harm you any way
Yes ,over doing does harm sometimes
To get relief :-
analgesic ointment and hot pack on the center of pain .
Gently press with your thumb .
Rotate your neck right ,left ,front and back gently ,5 times .
Take Turmeric powder a level spoon with a cup of Hot milk ,alleys pain and inflammation ,is a great antioxidant , antiseptic and antibiotic .
If problem persists consult your doctor .
Hope this helps solve your query Take care All the best