Thanks for posting in HCM.
I have read your description and understand your concern.
Masturbation is a healthy practice and a normal physiological process.
It is a process by which stored semen is ejaculated voluntary and help in the process of production of fresh quantity of sperms. It also helps to relieve certain amount of mental
However, it should not be done too frequently and should be spaced well.
Masturbation act does not have any form of adverse effect. It does not cause any form of mental or physical weakness, does not affect sexual performance in later life and does not affect
fertility in the future.
Doing it regularly will not cause
erectile dysfunction or alter the length/size of the penis.
You can practice behavioural therapy in the form of '
pause and squeeze' technique to achieve and sustain erection. Also, you need to do
meditation regularly to keep your mind calm and healthy. Include in your diet foods like milk, almonds, dates, figs, honey and papaya, which would help to improve blood supply to penis.
Eat healthy diet and improve the quantity of fluid intake.
Length or size of the penis has noting to do with sexual performance and hence you need not be unnecessarily worried about this matter.
Keep your confidence high. Gradually, you will overcome the problem.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.