The case in detail – YYYY@YYYY. Dear Doctor, I wish to ask for a second opinion on the case I am about to describe. The reason why I ask is that here we can go to a local general practitioner and he/she sends us to specialists, should the need arise. Due to the system being overburdened, I hardly would be sent to only ask about an opinion.I tipped and fallen in my workshop when I was trimming some plates to make an eaves gutter. To cover against the fall, I put my hands in front of me. Quite unfortunately I fallen into one of the plates that pierced my forearm. My forearm was torn wide open, but the injury was not severe luckily: according to the surgeon only the main vena was hurt. The bleeding was mild – or so I can tell: the blood was pouring backwards in a very thin ray. Of course I went to tend to the wound as much as I could, but I felt I will pass out so I sat down to the ground and fainted. I did not remember when I passed out, it was like when one falls asleep: I just remember waking up. I do not know for how long I was out. When I came to, I felt all right, I could stand up easily and quickly and I did not feel dizzy, I could talk, think clearly and had no issues coordinating my movements, again just as one wakes up from sleep. This happened in the morning and I did not eat that day yet. I called my mother and she came home, we went to the local general practitioner and I got some infusion, then an ambulance car took me to a hospital to patch up the wound. Along the way I was completely fine. When waiting for the surgeon I started to see dots a bit so I put my head between my thighs when sitting, which helped. My mother was with me along the waiting by the way. Then I saw the dots more intense and started to lose hearing. My mother told me to put my head between my thighs again and push my head up against her hand. This helped a lot again. This whole feeling-to-pass-out when waiting did not last for more than a minute or so. When the nurse called us to go in, I stood up – quite foolishly – and could barely make to sit down to a chair in the room and lie to the desk and I fainted again. It was two doctors and a nurse in the room, they immediately lied me down to the ground and put my feet in a chair. This time I remembered the fall clearly. When I came to, everything normal. I got a pill for my higher heart rate and it caused mild muscle stiffness or knot (hope I used the right word). My heart rate was high at the time anyway between 90 and 100 constantly, actually the blood loss helped getting it to 70 so I do plan to donate blood regularly. When I reported the stiffness, the doctor asked me if I can walk, I could with no issue. Again no issue talking either. I got a pill to that and the stiffness gone in an hour, never to come back. My questions: given these circumstances, could I have a chance to get a hypoxic brain damage? What symptoms would I see long term if I had one? I understand it sounds hypochondriac, but being a software engineering student coming from a poor family background, I worth as much as my brain. Ability tests I made: I play the clarinet and the saxophone, even if I do not practice regularly, I did not experience a deterioration in my dexterity. Balance: I could do single legged squats easily, just as before. Cognitive functions: I made an official adaptive mensa iq test where I scored no mistake, ranking more than 125 (for exact results I would have to take another one in person that I did not want to). Does hypoxic brain damage result in worse abilities that one used to have or does it just makes someone actually bad at when he/she used to be good at? Again how would I notice the injury? If you need additional information to create a better opinion, please do contact me. Thank you in advance for your time and effort for helping me out.