It is not surprising that your father is having these
drowsiness problems since all of these medications can cause the symptom, worse when all combined.
Typically, a medication such as syncapone is already mixed in proper proportions with the elemental ingredients for adequate
dosing to take place.
However, it just may be that the 100mg. dose 3x/day is too much for his body.
Check with his doctor before making any changes but they may authorize to try him on a lower schedule of 1-2x/day to see if he is less fatigued.
Of course, if he is not responding adequately to the medication then, that is another problem and you should report this to the doctor as the diagnosis may have to be rethought or another agent may have to be tried.
Always check with the primary prescriber before making any changes to a patient's medication dosage or frequency of administration.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Take care
Dr. Dariush Saghafi, Neurologist