exactly before an year, i been suffering with dizziness and tired, then i went to check up with doctors and they checked my blood and found that HB was low at 7.0 and above, after doctors consulting i took iron tonics for a month and still the level was not much incresed, then i go check FBC, Blood Picture and also Stool test for blood in it. and the blood was found on stool and blood picture also said some thing and doctor sent me to a colonoschopy test and they found nothing trouble inside and another doctor asked me that i might have a family problem of something like talasemia and asked me to have good meals with vegitables and just continue good foods then it will become normal, and there is nothing problem with my inside other than that. after that with food the blood was incresing little by little in HB level, and now a week before i looked pale and tired then again i checked with a FBC, then i found out that my HB level is low to 6.9, now what should i do for this, please guide me