Hello, Im a 34 year old male with a history of a 1) astrocytoma removal at age 7. 2) diagnosed with both peripheral and autonomic neuropathies at age 29. 3) I also test positive for AChR ganglionic ab with a level of .30. The only medication I currently take, and for the last 2 years, is buprenorphine (4mg daily) for chronic pain. I don t smoke or drink. im 5 11 and 165 lbs. Family history of heart disease is grandfather (moms side) dying from atherosclerosis at 40 and grandmother having a pace maker at the age 60 (today she is 90). neither parents have a cardiac history. Yesterday, While in the shower I started to feel very faint and my heart began pounding. Extreme tightness was experienced in my face and neck chest, and shoulders. I was unable to breath deep and I felt very impaired mentally. At the ER the symptoms continued for the next two hours. First 2/3 ekg s were abnormal. Echo looked normal. Intial blood work showed a troponin level of .06 and everything else was within range except for a very low potassium (2.6). subsequent blood work showed the troponin rose to .07 last night and today it is back at .06. The Doctors kept me for observation and discharged me with a recommendation to follow up with primary. My question is can my low potassium value be attributed to this incident/chest pain, dizziness? Or is it possible that my autonomic dysfunction is affecting my heart as well?