Hi & Welcome.
I can understand your concern regarding the mode of transmission of TB infection.
Tuberculosis DOES NOT spread through sexual intercourse.
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria that spread through the air droplets from someone with the untreated, active form of disease coughs, speaks, sneezes, spits, laughs or sings. Although tuberculosis is contagious,
it generally takes a few weeks of treatment with TB medications before you're not contagious anymore.
Following preventive measures are recommended to prevent the spread of infection to house hold contacts (family members):
1. Ventilate the room. Tuberculosis germs spread more easily in small closed spaces where air doesn't move. If it's not too
cold outdoors, open the windows and use a fan to blow indoor air outside.
2. Cover your mouth. Use a tissue to cover your mouth anytime you laugh, sneeze or cough. Put the dirty tissue in a bag, seal it and throw it away.
3. Wear a mask. Wearing a surgical mask when you're around other people during the first 3 weeks of treatment may help lessen the risk of transmission.
4. And all the family members should be given the medication Isoniazide (
INH) daily for 3 months if the
Mantoux test shows POSITIVE reaction.
Hope the suggestions given above could be useful.