Hi! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.
If I were your doctor, I would advise you the following for a persistent GERD:
1) Elevate the head end of the bed with two blocks on each side, so that the regurgitation does not occur while lying down, and the contents of
esophagus and stomach flow down with gravity.
2) Some modification in your diet like more of roughage, enough liquids, avoidance of oily, fried, and fast food
3) Regular routine exercises like morning walk depending on your medical fitness.
4) Prescription for a prokinetic agent and a
proton pump inhibitor which you already are on for symptomatic relief and to have a control on the acid production and facilitate movement of gastric contents downwards.
Regarding the relationship of cancer to GERD, you have read right, but the information is not complete. There is a condition called Barret's esophagus resulting from a long duration persistent GERD and few of such esophageal transformation might give rise to malignancy. However, it is not very frequent and the medical science has got so many diagnostic procedures to know the reason of the GERD and treat it effectively. I would rather advise you not to be so obsessive about cancer, and to report to a gastro enterologist for a possible endoscopic evaluation of your GI tract along with related tests for a definite diagnosis, and further management. Till then you could follow the symptomatic treatment as explained above.
I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.
Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef