Hello. Thank you for writing to us
Topical treatment with ointments and lotions is usually combined with systemic treatment/ oral treatment for psoriasis involving > 20% body surface area.
Phototherapy, though is a good choice for extensive body involvement with
plaque psoriasis, however, certain body sites like scalp are resistant even to phototherapy.
Apart from phototherapy Oral
methotrexate is a well known treatment for plaque psoriasis and can be considered in a healthy young adult.
Biologics like adalimumab, ustekinumab are not first line options in a young patient with limited involvement with plaque psoriasis.
Scalp involvement responds well to topical steroids lotions with or without
salicylic acid.
Vitamin D anlogues e.g calcipotriol/ calcitriol lotions are also effective in
scalp psoriasis.
I suggest that you visit a
dermatologist in your region.
Your dermatologist will assess the severity of involvement and advice accordingly.