Psoriasis Questions & Answers

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2 1 Sat, 2 Sep 2023
Hi Dr On Friday 7th july i went to a place to get a massage. Massagist made me a handjob with lub ( not a lot but not little) and then applied her saliva just one spit on the top of my penis and rub it on all the head of it and started masturbating me fast and intense. After that i wear a towel...
21 2 Fri, 16 Aug 2019
I have been on gilenya for ms for a week I have started having extreme upper leg/thigh pain. Worse when standing. Almost like terrible muscle spasms and muscles seem hard Feels like legs are shaky and won t support you. Sitting relieve some if it could gilenya be causing this.
7 1 Mon, 8 Jul 2019
Hi I am suffering from Psoriasis (upper body and scalp is majorly effected) and want to know if there s any photo-therapy clinic available in North-West Delhi? I am based out of Rohini and looking for a clinic around this place. Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Warm regards, Anupam
7 1 Thu, 11 Oct 2018
I have a dry itchy patch on my right hip and on the back of my neck that has been there for almost a started during a stressful time and will not go away! I have been to the doctor, who diagnosed it as psoriasis, prescribed steroids/creams...It cleared up some on my neck but there is...
15 1 Fri, 28 Sep 2018
sir, in 2009 i had psoriasis ..that time i consult doctor..he gave me FOLITRA 15mg injection..and cap mega-3.. that time it was cured..then in 2010 i got some skin diseases (black spot type psoarisis in my body and neck)..he gave me TAB FUSYS 200 mg.and propasylic NF6 cream..i got cured. but now...
2 1 Fri, 24 Aug 2018
Can you please tell me what this means in English so I can better understand what it means before they send me in for surgery in a couple of weeks? INDICATION: chronic sinusitis . Sleep apnea. COMPARISON: CT neck October 7, 2013. ENCOUNTER: Not applicable FINDINGS: There is minimal biconvex...
13 1 Mon, 13 Aug 2018
Hello, I have psoriasis on my feet and hands for the past 15 plus years, over the past few months I have noticed I have two dark circles on the tops of my feet, both dry one is now starting to get larger. I m 45 and stress is a big part of my world today as I m a REALTOR.
8 1 Wed, 8 Aug 2018
does vyvanse or acutane have a connection to psoriasis. I have this theory that acutane caused my psoriasis and vyvanse keeps it under control but when i stop that anxiety is worse and could cause the stress level to go up. Also, I drink alcohol and love spicy foods
12 1 Wed, 8 Aug 2018
I have been developing pitikia with just the slightest bump. Some are very deep red. Most last at least 4-6 weeks. This only began about 3-4 months ago. Last evening, the skin on my forearms was burning. I take Enbrel every week for psoriasis, which works well. Could this be a possible side effect?
8 1 Tue, 31 Jul 2018
hello sir/madam my name is shwetha 27 yrs old.diagnosd with small plaque parapsoriasis.i have usd topical steroidal creams for lönger its nt cured new scaly patches r appearng all over my there any complete treament for dis?please help me out
22 1 Tue, 10 Jul 2018
I am taking Humira for my Psorasis and my recent blood tests have shown ALT levels of 66- my specialist said he will retest me in a months time and hopefully see if it will go down!! I must admit I have recently been overdrinking due to a lot of pressures!could this be the reason why an increase...
8 1 Wed, 23 May 2018
my palm skin thickned and generally eitches in the morning. two of my thumb shows same symptom. the patchy palm skin become dry and eitches every day so that old dead skin wiped out and new skin comes every day. any solution . is it soriasis . how to overcome this. i am from india and at the age...
3 2 Wed, 25 Oct 2017
My sister is having psoriasis problems since 18 years and having diabetes too she was visiting p k banerjee since 18 years it was curing nicely and almost gone bt now again it started coming out due to may be diabetes so please advise me what to do sir.
2 1 Fri, 20 Oct 2017
I have soreatic artheritis and my legs are very full of fluid and feet, they are very sore to touch or walk and they are very red and hot, I am on fluid pilss but i only go a couple times a day. I am very tired and no appetite, and the pain is unbearable, my urine test was good and the blood work...
2 1 Fri, 13 Oct 2017
hi i have a small patch on my knee that flakes and is sometimes itchy. the main problem is that the skin there is less flexible possibly thickened and tends to split and bleed when my knee is bent. the patch which is at present about three centimetres in diameter is slowly increasing in size.
9 1 Mon, 18 Sep 2017
I have pustular psorasis (not too severe on feet and palms) and taking medication for that (cortizone based cream). I have recently noticed a dark circular patch on my right foot. It is itchy sometimes. Could you please tell me what that is and how can it be cured?
7 1 Tue, 25 Jul 2017
sir my mother had psoriasis problem before, she was prescribed neotrexate and sysfol which relieved the problem but now she is having cough problem which is not lasting. So i want to know can that be due to side effect of the prescribed medicines ?? I would appreciate your reply....
7 1 Mon, 17 Jul 2017
i have a had a small spot on y lower leg about 6 weeks ago , it has now grown fast into a white dry lump patch and is itching all the time , it fells now that it is really deep inside of my leg , when i scratch it it flakes ...could this be cancer or psorisis
7 1 Tue, 11 Jul 2017
Hi I am a 30year female weight of 53kg and long history of psoriasis. Recently I have it bad between my fingers and thumb joints. I have used various ointments that contain steroids. Please advise me Im fedup with it and in my job I have to wash my hands alot regards Julie-Ann
39 1 Fri, 12 May 2017
My child is suffering abdomin pain. She has undergone ultrasound scanning. And the reports showed that there is mild hepatomegaly, mesenteric lymphodenopathy, minimal ascites and infectious etiology. Please could you explain the severity of this and treatment.
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