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Thanks for writing.
I am Dr.Saddiq ul Abidin. I have read your question completely, I understand your concern and will try to help you in best way possible.
The post Exposure Prophylaxis of
rabies depend upon the degree of exposure, and the prophylactic measures may vary from simple antirabies vaccines to the use of
passive immunity, in the form of anti-rabies serum or
immunoglobulins, but since rabies is a potentially fatal disease and its post exposure
vaccination have shown to be having almost 99.9% efficacy, so normally doctors don't recommend taking chances, so even for trivial scratches the vaccinations are suggested quite often.
Also the history that, whether it was a provoked bite or spontaneously unprovoked incidence is very important, in case of stray dogs mostly. The kind of wound you inflicted is a category 2 wound, which needs rabies vaccination normally, without any need of antirabies serum. but since cat is rabies free as you have described, then need of vaccination declines.
But in your case, since cat is your nieghbors, and since you know the present status of the pet, then it must be, rabies free likely. Still it would be still encouraging if cat is available, it can be examined by a vet to reconfirm whether it has any signs and symptoms of rabies? I would also suggest you to ask your neighbor to get pet vaccinated, as it seems that he has been quite fond of keeping them.
incubation period of rabies varied from 2 weeks to as long as 6 years so 13 weeks can't exclude its possibility but had the cat been rabid and prone to spread infections that would have meant a progressive disease and in that case it would not have been alive and healthy uptill now.
dizziness can be entirely different entity and you need to do a thorough check up for that with your local doctor. Also share all the details of previous incidence with him so that he can assess you in every regard with labs and clinical examination.
I hope this answered your question.If you have more queries I am happy to answer.Otherwise rate before closing the discussion
Dr.Saddiq ul Abidin
M.B.B.S(Licensed Family Physician)
Resident Medicine.
In future get yopurself vaccinated.