Can understand your concern..
As per your complain it is true that if you are suffering from a recurring episodes of
tonsillitis and also have tonsil stones that cause severe
bad breath and are also a potent cause for recurring inflammation of tonsils..
In case of no resolution with medication you can very much opt for
tonsillectomy as it will be permanent cure for all the conditions..
As of now you can get the tonsil stones removed by an ENT physician or can remove iton your own using a q-tip..
You can also gargle with 1:1 solution of
hydrogen peroxide and water..
Always gargle after eating anything..
Do warm saline gargles..
Limit intake of dairy and high calcium foods..
Drink plenty of water.
Gargle with flavoured antiseptic mouthwash and chew mint or menthol flavoured sugarfree chewing gums to mask bad breath..
Hope this helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..
Hope this information helps..