I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns....
As per your complain in case if you have aching pain in lower front teeth it can occur in case of either infection in teeth leading to cavities ,at times caries over the root portion of tooth are not visible from naked eyes and needs an
x ray to rule out...
It can also be due to infection in gums which can lead to GINGIVITIS[gum inflammation] or loss of attachment of gums to the roots of teeth due to infection can cause pocket formation and is known as
As far as
sinus infection is concerned it can cause pain in upper teeth and face and pain in lower teeth is ascertain although in case of
cough and cold there can be some feeling of soreness, itchy feeling and
pain in teeth but it will not be confined to only two teeth and will be generalized ..
In case if you have a typical pain in two of front lower teeth you need to get an x Ray done to rule out the exact cause of pain and if no cavity is present then gums needs to be checked and you can get Scaling of teeth done followed by application of a desensitizing tooth paste over your teeth twice a day and chew one
Vitamin C tablet daily for 15days..
In case of Deep pockets in gums a course of antibiotics has to be taken..
While for cavities that has involved the nerves
Root Canal Treatment has to be get done followed by antibiotics and painkillers..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..