Thanks Randeep for posting your concern here. From the anthropometric data you posted, I can see that you have a very high BMI (>30). But, you do have reasons also.
PCOD and obesity, specifically central obesity are closely associated and they both also cause
insulin resistance and produce a vicious cycle for the victim. This condition is also explanatory for your
irregular menstruation. Regarding the surgery, many people think that this is the simplest way to solve the problem. But, i would say, post-surgery your problem may return back if have this underlying problem. People actually feel devastated after spending money on the surgery and again having the relapse. But, yes!
Liposuction surgery can do miracles when done by an expert. But, patient selection is very critical for this and for the success post-surgery, you need to follow stringent nutritional and lifestyle guidelines. Another way out, is giving, dietary modification and exercise a try. A proper diet chart prescribed by a specialist in therapeutic nutrition and regular sessions of exercise can definitely help you out without even having to face the morbidities of a surgery. Now, the next step for you is to analyze the risk-benefit and cost-benefit for the said procedure and then go to a specialist in liposuction surgery who will explain further details. But, one thing I should remind you that with underlying PCOD and
hormonal problem there is greater chance of post surgery relapse. So you need to consult an
endocrinologist too for the same. Best wishes.