Please note that I an IBS patient since long. Secondly as you are aware that Alcohol consumption aggravates IBS symptoms. I drink alcohol almost daily 3-4 drinks and sometimes I skip food too.Alcohol in the night gives me good sleep as I am completely out of senses,hence its a feel good factor,but I have hangover on the next day for the entire day and get sever symptoms like Heavy head,sprain & Strain in the neck & back region,Heaviness over eyes etc etc. Please note that I have decided not consume alcohol on a daily basis,except Saturdays (week-end). Let me know how to overcome the urge for Alcohol permanently and get rid of the above mentioned symptoms. Now since the past 3 days or so I have not consumed alcohol,Although I am not feeling the hangover on the next morning ,but getting disturbed sleep with negative dreams.Secondly,@ 12:00 PM in the day I get severe IBS attack like very strained neck/lower head region and there is a biting feeling across the entire body,particularly in the entire head to back region of the body. Please let me know whether it is an IBS symptom or Alcohol withdrawal symptom & how to get rid of the same permanently. My lever is fatty and I have cholesterol also. Your urgent advise in this critical matter will really help.