Hi there, I have understood your concern.
First of all do not panic.
Please try to understand that
Folic acid tablet as such is nit to help you getting pregnant. I usually suggest to my patients who are planning to get pregnant, to start with Folic acid, Vitamin B 12 and Omega 3 supplements at least 3 months before planning to get pregnant. This helps to prevent many problems during
pregnancy and delivery.
You can follow the same .
Secondly, if you are willing to get pregnant, then please get following 3 things checked.
1 ) Husband's
semen analysis, after the abstinence of 3 to 4 days. This helps to know about quality and quantity of sperms.
2 ) Post menstrual
hysterosalpingography, within the first ten days of the cycle. This helps to know about the patency of the fallopian tubes.
3 ) Follicle Study from day 10 to 20 of the cycle to know about the exact day of egg formation.
Unprotected sex act or IUI on the day of egg formation will help you to get pre.
I hope this answer helps you.
Dr. Purushottam Neurgaonkar