Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts.
I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them.
Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-
TIA with abscence of Livedo reticularis of skin / or with mottled leg skin mostly.
This seems to be a case of
Arteritis with Thrombotic Carotid illness, which gives embolic spastic cerebral arterial occlusions,causing temporary
blindness in your case.Rhuematoid
arthritis confirms the accompanied auto-immune disorder, as a cause of it in your case.
Nuerophysician and physicians and dermatologists assessment is needed to diagnose it with Sneddon's.But as TIA and temporary visual blindness is not accompanied with skin mottling with livedo reticularis from thrombosed venous capillaries with white area around from lack of circulation in blocked capillaries, its mostly neglected by doctors as being
hypochondriasis / and as obsessive
Hope this would help you to solve your health issues in the best way possible.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist