I am interested in learning about the entire different glands throughout the body and the different types - open and closed. I seem to recall you had a complete written information on this site of the importance of glands throughout the entire body with their functions and how they defend our body against sickness and disease. I am particulary interested in everything but especially the glands that an ENT specialist Doctor would be most likely to check for not only staying healthy and cured of cronic soar throats and high fevers and laryngitis. I am a singer and that in particular interests me because I had an excellent Dr. who somewhat cured me of these chronic conditions I have had throughout my entire life from being a child to now an adult of 58 yrs. of age. Unfortunately, after 15 years of doctoring and being well for 10 years after that not being able to get back to my Doctor who was in California and I now on the east coast am extremely frustrated because of the difference in treatment and their learacy to prescribe and understand my condition. I am not a typical patient but one that was described by my excellent retired MD on the west coast as a PROBLEM CASE in which typically Doctors don t recognize all my symptons. Anyway the most important being I simply want to see that report that I once saw on your website explaining all the glands, lymph, etc. and their use in aiding the body s immune system to stay well. Probably more info than you need but I am every year getting bronchitis and all that intricate doctoring and good health seems such a waste especially when I have to wait and get phnemonia (SPELLING SORRY) before I get an antibiotic and by then it s really too late and I need so much more than 2 weeks of antibiotics but other things when the problem could have been nipped in the bud and the entire problem avoided. For a regular doctor it takes a good 2 years to know me and not be afraid of doing something wrong, therefore they wait, at my age close to 60 now I am very spoiled by the Doctors of later years where they never let it go this far. So in preparation of winter I d like to be able to know more. Be healthier and avoid these problems. PS. is there also a way to cleanse the entire glandular and lymph gland system. But most important the info on the glandular systems and different type of glands. Sorry to be so wordy. Thank you for your time. Please, I know it was on this site and several pages long. Respectfully yours, Catherine