Tuesday evening, I suffered a mild heart attack (pain in left upper chest radiating down arm and leg, breathless, dizziness and nausea ). I say mild because I did not pass out or flop around on the ground. I cannot afford medical treatment so I want to treat this at home with home remedies, plus I do not want any family members to know. I know aspirin is one and I took one immediately during the attack and have taken one every morning after. The pain in the left chest has not gone away yet and I am still breathless and fatigued with physical activity but the pains in my arm and leg have subsided and the nausea is gone. I have a lot of things to do this week and need to start feeling better. What are some home remedies besides aspirin that will relieve the symptoms? The ER will treat the emergency and then refer me to a physican who wants cash to treat the heart disease ... Cash at time of visit. I survived the emergency and can t see what else the ER will be able to do for me. I am monitering myself for any physical changes that would indicate something that would require me to give in and go to the ER. I already began the regiment of aspirin. I just wanted to know of any ideas to rid the breathless, fatigue and chest pain .