Hi, I m 26 years old and I believe I have phimosis so I would like to ask you a few questions. Here is why I think I have phimosis, when flaccid I can pull my foreskin back so that I can see the frenulum but while having an erection it is impossible to do so, I ve tried and it is not painful but it just won t happen. I ve read about the stretching and reading all the reviews online it looks like it does help so I started those today, am I doing the right thing? By the end of the month my girlfriend and I planned a get away weekend and we both agreed it is time to experience our sex life so what can I do with my problem during these days? Will a condom eliminate the pain? She is a virgin too will this make thing more painful is tried without a condom? and finally how do I know when I am cure of phimosis, if possible? Big Thank You I cannot even put into words!