Hello and we,come to HCM,
DUB is a condition where no other cause for irregular bleeding is found. So I assume that you have been investigated for other causes like hormones, fibroids and ovarian problems before being labelled as DUB.
DUB is caused by mostly minor hormonal imbalances not detected by tests. So ovulation may not always be there.
Hence the first thing you need to do is do an ovulation study. If there is ovulation, try sexual contact during ovulation and start
progesterone after ovulation to help build the endometrial lining. If you have undergone an
endometrial biopsy its results will help to determine the type of DUB and treat it accordingly.
If there is no ovulation, you may need ovulation enhancing drugs like clomiphene.
Other measures include
weight loss, regular exercise and
meditation to decrease stress. They are all very useful to fight DUB.
So visit an
infertility specialist and start treatment. You will conceive if things go right.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist