Hello and welcome to HCM,
The interpretation of the
semen analysis report is as follows:
The physical attributes- volume, color, consistency, Ph and fructose levels are within normal limits.
The sperm concentration- 93.5 million /ml is also within normal limits. The normal range is below 20 million /ml.
The motility of the sperms is 55% which is above the minimal 50% required.
Presence of pus cell suggests presence of infection.
You need to consult your doctor to look for cause and origin of infection (genital tract or
urinary tract).
The infection needs to be treated after the smeen analysis test needs to be repeated after treatment of infection.
Along with that you need to post the comment on 'morphology' of the sperms.
A comment can only be made after interpreting the semen analysis report after treatment of the infection.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal