I am 20 F and i have had my left ovary removed as there was a mass lesion which on biopsy was confirmed as malignant. It was a mixed germ cell tumor stage IV C . I underwent chemotheraphy BEP 3 cycles and 1 cycle of EP. PET CT was done prior to chemo and it was illuminating in the douglas pouch, left lower lobe of the lung , hilar region and mediastenal nodes. Post chemo another PET CT was done and except for the mediastenal nodes there was complete remission. Surgical removal of these nodes was suggested by some but finally i took a call and chose to monitor the AFP, CA 125 , LDL AND HCG LEVELS as per my gyn-oncologists advise.All levels are within normal range as of today.Two months after this another problem has come up now,there is numbness and tingling feeling in my hands and feet . I got my tests done and was told that i have sensory axonal peripherial neuropathy . Kindly let me know as to how long will it take to get back to normal and what medicines should i take and what should be my diet to help me overcome this condition.